formula - significado y definición. Qué es formula
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Qué (quién) es formula - definición

Mathematical formula; Formulae; Formulas; Scientific formula; Formula (mathematics and physics); Formulæ; Mathematical Formulas; Mathematical formulas; Formulas in mathematics; Dimensional formula; Math formula; Fomula
  • Dijkstra, E.W.]] (July 1996), ''[ A first exploration of effective reasoning]'' [EWD896]. (E.W. Dijkstra Archive, Center for American History, [[University of Texas at Austin]])</ref>

milk mixture for infant feeding
1) to make up, prepare formula
symbolic representation
2) to devise a formula
3) a scientific formula
4) a formula for
5) a formula to + inf. (a formula to change lead into gold)
1. In logic, a sequence of symbols representing terms, predicates, connectives and quantifiers which is either true or false. 2. <language, music> FORTH Music Language. An extension of FORTH with concurrent note-playing processes. Runs on Macintosh and Atari ST with MIDI output. ["Formula: A Programming Language for Expressive Computer Music", D.P. Anderson et al Computer 24(7):12 (Jul 1991)]. 3. Preprocessor language for the Acorn Archimedes, allowing inline high-level statements to be entered in an assembly program. Written in nawk.
(formulae, or formulas)
Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
A formula is a plan that is invented in order to deal with a particular problem.
It is difficult to imagine how the North and South could ever agree on a formula to unify the divided peninsula.
...a peace formula.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
A formula for a particular situation, usually a good one, is a course of action or a combination of actions that is certain or likely to result in that situation.
Clever exploitation of the latest technology would be a sure formula for success...
= recipe
N-SING: N for n
A formula is a group of letters, numbers, or other symbols which represents a scientific or mathematical rule.
He developed a mathematical formula describing the distances of the planets from the Sun.
In science, the formula for a substance is a list of the amounts of various substances which make up that substance, or an indication of the atoms that it is composed of.
Formula is a powder which you mix with water to make artificial milk for babies.
...bottles of formula.



In science, a formula is a concise way of expressing information symbolically, as in a mathematical formula or a chemical formula. The informal use of the term formula in science refers to the general construct of a relationship between given quantities.

The plural of formula can be either formulas (from the most common English plural noun form) or, under the influence of scientific Latin, formulae (from the original Latin).

Ejemplos de pronunciación para formula
1. formula.
Fire Girl and The Wood Wolf _ Tom Siddell _ Talks at Google
2. Every mathematical formula comes from other formulas.
The Dance of the Possible _ Scott Berkun _ Talks at Google
3. Happiness formula.
The Millennial’s Guide to Making Happiness _ Chris Butsch _ Talks at Google
4. Formula One.
Green on Blue - A Novel _ Elliot Ackerman _ Talks at Google
5. happiness formula.
Happier at Home _ Gretchen Rubin _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de formula
1. Baby formula contains vitamin D, so infants on formula only generally don‘t need supplements.
2. Q:'4; The first part was about a formula, whether there‘s a formula, but – MR.
3. Q:В The first part was about a formula, whether theres a formula, but - MR.
4. The options under consideration include joint control formula, limited sovereignty formula and the devolution system formula, he said in an interview to The News daily.
5. A spokesman for the International Formula Council said both were paid by a formula manufacturer to arrange meetings at HHS.